Freelancer or consultant? Invoice without a company

Did you know that you do not need a company to get paid as freelancer? No administration, simply get paid for your work.

Verify ID, Sign Documents, Send and Pay Invoices

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Invoice without a company

With Invoice, you can invoice your customers, private or corporate, and get paid after tax. We take care of accounting and reporting to the Norwegian Tax Authorities.


Invoice with a company

Use your company to invoice the customer, and get paid directly to the company account. Invoice both private individuals and companies through Invoice - have everything in one place.

See how we can help you as a freelancer

With Manymore, I don't have to think about the invoice and payment process. This means I have more time and energy to focus on my professional development in a new country while I look for my dream job.

Lidya, freelancer

We have your needs covered

3000+background checks
10 000+workers
300 mill+NOK paid out
180 000+invoices sent

Take control of invoicing and payout today

Register for free, and send your first invoice today!

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  • Pay-as-you-go
  • We handle security and GDPR
  • Support guaranteed